Now booking: September 2024 (after I get back from a trip around Europe!)

Hello you! Want some copywriting help?

Course you do. Everyone does. 

Go have a snoop around my lovely website and see if you think we’re aligned.
(Psst, if you’re a creative digital agency or a sustainable independent business, we probably are.)

Would you rather skip looking around and just book a discovery call? Fair enough!

Fancy a nice copywriting email in your inbox?

On reflection, that sounds a rude. Obviously, I mean “sign up to my email list”.

I’ll only send you good things like: copywriting tips, free stuff, and exclusive discounts/ availability. Realistically it’ll be sent on an ‘every now and then’ kinda schedule. We’re all a bit busy, aren’t we?

On the blog

Should you post political content as a small business? Here are 7 questions to ask yourself
Copywriting Tips
How to clearly and authentically show your small business is LGBTQ+ inclusive
Copywriting Tips
How to write about sustainability without greenwashing: 6 important tips a small business owner needs to know
Copywriting Tips
4 ways to be super ready for a discovery call as a copywriter
Copywriting Tips
So, you’ve booked a discovery call with a copywriter… Now what? 4 super quick things you need to know
Copywriting Tips
Copywriter Feedback: How to be clear, helpful and effective (so you get the results you want)

It's about time your customers knew exactly how brilliant your business is.

Hello! Fancy seeing you here...

Pop your email address into that there box so we can stay in touch

On a fully irregular basis, whenever I’ve got something super interesting, I’ll send it your way.