Now booking: Jan 2025

No pressure mate, but your website is a huge deal

Creative, bold website copy

Rank on Google, get found more easily

Bespoke website copy for chuffing brilliant small businesses

Your website is your shopfront.

Virtual, sure. But it needs to be just as easy for customers to look around and see your wonderful products and services.

Copywriting is what directs them and informs them. It helps them to make decisions, and it helps get you sales.

Good website copy gives juuuust the right amount of detail so your reader thinks “heck yeah, I want that!”.

It’s as simple as H1/ H2/ H3

Lovely SEO website copy as standard

Sure, Instagram’s pretty, but we all go to Google when we want to find something. And that’s where SEO comes in.

SEO website copy is super important but it’s not easy to write. It’s all about using the right words and in the right places.

It’s also technical, creative, and  a lot about your website’s backend. (I want credit for resisting making a joke there, k?)

Accurate website copy

On- brand vocab, SEO keywords, correct grammar, and still making it all sound like you.

Creative website copy

Stories are persuasive, powerful, and memorable. So are writing techniques. It all starts here.

Persuasive website copy

Helping your customer easily find you, love you, and buy from you again and again.

The website copy every small business needs

Home page

Grab your customers’ attention with a lil personality and persuasion, all while solving their problem.

Product descriptions

Detailed, SEO- packed product descriptions, full of rich, engaging vocabulary to make your customers fall in love.

About page

The hardest page you'll ever have to write on your website. Instead of you agonising over every word, lemme just do it for you.

Service pages

Explain exactly what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for so your client can’t wait to work with you.

Radical, sustainable small business copywriter

For people who love what they do but don't want to write about it

Writing website copy is super difficult. Especially writing your own website copy.

You’ve got to make yourself, your business, and what you do sound amazing. All while being accurate, clear, thinking like your customer. You need to making Google happy, and be persuasive all at the same time. Oh, and you’ve got to spell everything right.

Not easy, huh? It’s why people pay me to do it for them.

Small business website copy

Lovely words, lovely clients

Copywriting and content writing testimonials

Writing copy for radical, independent, sustainable business owners is one of the best parts of my job. Check out their kind reviews and click on their name to go see their website.

Bonnie clearly explained the copywriting process up front and even included explainer videos with each draft. She really got to the heart of my business and bought my personality into the copy.
Manchester, UK
I was lost for words when reading the first draft of the blog. I was absolutely astonished! I couldn't wait to get it on my website.
London, UK
I thoroughly enjoyed working with Bonnie on my wesbite copy. She has a friendly, consultative style, listens well, and brings a wealth of expertise in SEO copywriting.
Norfolk, UK
It’s so easy to work with Bonnie, and I couldn’t wait to get the copy on my website! We loved the copy- especially the tag line. I’m sure we’ll working together again soon.
Cotswolds, UK
Bonnie is not only a joy to work with, but she is positively joyful too. What a wordsmith!
Bristol, UK

Select clients

Your website has to do more than look good

A Bristol copywriter who loves... er, Bristol and writing copy

Writing is my favourite thing to do*.

If I’ve got an afternoon to myself, I’ll be journaling, writing fiction, or writing blogs for myself. I just freaking love words.

But not everyone likes words as much as I do. You might want to spend your time actually running your business, not writing copy for it.

My words make your business sound amazing, get more website visits, more customers, and more sales. Win/ win, huh?

(*Also napping and eating vegan brownies and drinking oat lattes in all the Bristol cafes.)

Copywriting for Bristol businesses and beyond

I’ve lived in Bristol for my whole life (except for a few of years of uni and travelling) and I love it.

Mainly because of all the indie food places, the historic buildings, and the super inspiring small businesses.

I don’t want to live anywhere else, but I will happily write for you wherever you’re based in the UK. 

A guide to website copywriting prices

Small business website copy prices

I keep things simple AF. One day of my time, one price. 

And, I have a special small business day rate.

My official day rate is capped at £425- less than the UK average. (Checkout the stats here, page 25.)

But if you’re a fellow small business I guarantee to give you a chunky discount on my day rate.

  • Tone of voice and brand guides £325- £650

    Clarifying exactly how you want to sound to your audience

  • A home & about bundle £650- £875

    Explain who you are, what you do, and who you do it for, persuasively

  • Five website pages £2550- £3750

    Home, about, service pages/ product descriptions, and all the good stuff

Lovely websites for lovely small businesses

You, and your customers, will love your website.

Got questions?

Website copywriting frequently asked questions

Investing in your business is a big deal, so it totally makes sense you want to find out as much as you can first.

You’ll find lots of answers here but remember, I’m only an email away if you need more info.

Nope! Two reasons:

One: for me to track which keywords are ranking for your website, I’d need to be added to your Google analytics, and I’d need access to the back end of your website. This is not the kind of client data I want to be responsible for, which is why I send your freshly written copy to you in a Word document, and you can upload it, track it, and monitor it yourself. You can absolutely share the results with me!

Two: super well written SEO copywriting is only one part of the SEO puzzle. Yes, it’s a key puzzle piece, but if you don’t also have a good website, good technical SEO, and good backlinks, you may struggle to rank for the keywords you want to rank for. So, as a copywriter, I can’t be solely responsible for the SEO on your website.

Yes! I start writing when I have received 50% of the agreed fee, but how you pay is up to you.

I’m happy to take three payments of 33%, or two payments of 50%, which is typical. Let’s discuss this in your discovery call.

For Strategy Sessions we can discuss your payment plan before you book. Pop an email to and let me know how you’d like to pay.

Simply, no. This is not something I’m good at or enjoy doing, so I can’t offer this as a service. Everything I write for you will be ready to simply copy and paste, but it’s best for you to keep the access to your website to yourself, or your trusted VA/ website developer.

Kinda, but not really. I price very, very carefully to suit a range of budgets, and so I can keep my business alive. I weigh up exactly what you asked for, how long it’ll take me, my day rate, and how much research I’ll need to do. Then I send you three proposal quotes options for you choose from.

My day rate is around £325 for small businesses, and £425 for agencies. The average UK copywriter day rate is £433.

If the quotes I send you are too high for your budget, I’m happy to amend the quote and work with you to reduce the scope of the project. This means, for example, doing one page of website copy at a time, or one blog every other month.

Sorry, I’m not your gal. I can recommend some talented designers and photographers for you, but I’m very happy sticking to words.

Check out my recommendations page for all the great small business I love working with.

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On a fully irregular basis, whenever I’ve got something super interesting, I’ll send it your way.